We first seek to establish a clear picture of where you are today, where you want to be tomorrow, and what operational and cultural barriers are standing in the way of digital optimization. We go to great lengths to see your situation from both an IT and OT perspective, so that any solution we recommend facilitates the free and efficient flow of digital intelligence across these critical functions.
Our consulting team has deep knowledge of all the leading platforms, allowing us to recommend the right solution for you from the full menu of options. We also have the unique ability to pull in expertise as needed from manufacturing tech innovation hot spots worldwide. Typical consulting deliverables include a Current State Analysis and Value Driver Assessment or Gap Analysis, prior to articulating your best path forward in detailed Technology and Project Roadmap reports.

Many Spruik clients continue to partner with us beyond consulting to transform our recommendations into fully integrated and functioning solutions. Our implementation expertise spans the full array of software products — from traditional providers such as OSISoft, Rockwell Automation and Wonderware to next-gen approaches from Out systems, Seeq and Open Source providers.
Regardless of platform or configuration, our objective is the same: to rapidly deliver measurable value to your business. The Spruik team of business and system analysts, MES analysts and developers will work with our project managers to deliver on every detail of the vision we established for you during the consulting phase. If you follow our lead, your business will achieve digital transformation.